I just finished two wonderful books that I would highly recommend to you: " A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller and a great little book "Sabbath" by Dan Allender.
Donald Miller's book has afforded me the opportunity to literally cry tears of joy. I can't encourage you enough to read this book!
The second book, "Sabbath," is part of The Ancient Practices Series and has been instrumental to the continual molding of my theology of the most neglected item from the Ten Commandments: the observance of the Sabbath.
In this book I read about a wonderful spiritual discipline that I have incorporated into my life recently.
I have begun the practice on the Sabbath (since I work on Sunday's I try to celebrate the Sabbath on Friday's) and the practice is this: I am going to find a quiet place, which is no mean feat in our house, and journal for a bit all of the things I am thankful for so that I can continue to become a person who is grateful to God for all that God has done.
I'm finding that this discipline helps me to lead a life that is filled with more gratitude and grace. I wonder if it might do so for you as well?