I don't often wear my clerical collar, which is funny, because I have a strong opinion about collars. In a perfect world, I think all clergy should wear their collars, and here is why: as servants of God, we should be available to serve all of God's children, whether they are members of our local flock or not. For example, if you are walking down the street and find yourself in need of a law enforcement officer, you wouldn't be able to find a law enforcement officer unless they are wearing their uniform, unless you happened to have a relationship with that person from another context. When I would wear my collar in San Antonio I got stopped all of the time by folks who needed someone to talk to. Many less-enlightened Methodists (my own tribe) see the collar as purely a "Catholic thing" and they fail to realize that the collar is used by pastors in all of the mainline denominations, in addition to the Catholic church.
The collar also serves as a very valuable reminder to me of whose I am and of the work I am called to do but it does tend to freak out those who don't understand it's function and tradition.
My brother and I were both Boy Scouts. My brother pushed through and became an Eagle Scout, I laid back and fell just short of that honor.
While I don't regret the decision to not take the time and effort that it would take to become an Eagle Scout (I was busy with other activities in my life), I will always wish I was an Eagle Scout. When I meet someone that is an Eagle Scout (such as Kory Knott), it instantly says something about them. It says that even when they were young they pushed themselves to be outstanding in all that they do. It says that they won't back down from a challenge. It says that they have heart and morals.
To be a minister says many of the same things. When you wear your collar people can automatically assume things about you, and I think that that is very cool. So wear it! Be proud of it! Let it stand for who you are, as you stand for who you serve. May you be able to minister to others simply by wearing a normal piece of clothing... and may you continue to educate others about the whole "It's not just a Catholic thing" thing.
I see that I am not on the blogs you read. You could learn a lot about sky malls at my blog.
Father Stobaugh...ah how I know you better than that.
Matthew (K), thank you for your kind words! I shall do my best!
Rob, I have made a serious error and hope to have corrected it with my October 16th post, please forgive me.
Matthew (H), yes you do, and thank God for redemption and transformation! :)
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