It is truly a lovely morning in Texas! It snowed today!!!! December 2! It's hard to imagine. Sam, our youngest son got to experience snow for the first time in his life! Glorious!
Since yesterday was World AIDS Day, I meant to post this liturgy and homily from w World AIDS Day service I led three years ago but yesterday was a full day of ministry so I'm just now getting to it. I wonder, how much progress have we seen in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the last three years?
December 1st, 2006
7:00 p.m.
Prelude Psalm Prelude (Psalm 40:1-3) Craig Phillips Dr. David Heller, organist
I waited patiently upon the Lord;
he stooped to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the desolate pit,
out of the mire and clay;
he set my feet upon a high cliff
and he made my footing sure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a song of praise to our God;
many shall see, and stand in awe,
and put their trust in the Lord.
Invocation of the Spirit Come Holy Spirit Thornburg/Potts
Come, Holy Spirit,
come, Holy Spirit;
break the chains our fears create;
teach us love and stifle hate;
help us rest, but not escape.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Soloist verses by Alison Boone
On a road in the wilderness Phillip saw the eunuch
who was searching for the wisdom of God,
and Phillip offered him understanding, good news and acceptance,
acceptance as a child of God.
To the house of the Roman guard
Peter went with a vision full of animals reptiles and birds,
and God said “Peter, don’t call anything unclean that I have made,
for I have made all things clean.”
To the outcast and alien seeking God’s communion,
God says, “I respect no distinctions or walls,
and I will gather up all who seek me into my holy mountain,
for all shall be welcome there.”
*Call to Worship
The One: Gracious God, tonight, we have gathered from across this city, from many
places, and for many reasons. We gather to remember:
The Many: May we never forget those who have been lost to us because of
HIV/AIDS, God, we commend our brothers and sisters to you.
The One: Loving God, we gather because of love:
The Many: Show us a glimpse of your love, O God, so that we can be empowered to
love one another.
The One: Eternal God, we are here to worship and to ask for justice!
The Many: Yahweh, you are our Creator, and we worship you! You desire your
creation to be made whole: send forth your justice to our hurting world.
The One: Source of all Light, we are here for hope!
The Many: Send us your light, Lord, for we live in an all too often dark world.
All: God, may we worship you tonight and always by being fully human, by
becoming what you would have us to be, and by loving you and our neighbors with the fullness of our being.
--Rev. Joe Stobaugh
*Hymn Be Tender with the Ones You Know Thornburg/Hawn
Solo: Be tender with the ones you know
who hold their sadness deep inside;
be reconciled for any meanness,
insult, ridicule, or pride.
All: Say and do the things that strengthen;
be the carriers of grace.
Let us be the ones
in whom our neighbors see God’s face.
Welcome & Introductions: Rev. Karen Vannoy & Rev. John Flowers
Freedom is Coming
Homily: Dr. C. Michael Hawn
Sung Refrain:
Say and do the things that strengthen;
be the carriers of grace.
Let us be the ones
in whom our neighbors see God’s face
A Time of Meditation
“The Peace may be exchanged” from Rubrics Dan Locklair Dr. David Heller, organist
Homily: Michelle Durham, Director of BEATAIDS
Sung Refrain:
Say and do the things that strengthen;
be the carriers of grace.
Let us be the ones
in whom our neighbors see God’s face
Musical Presentation: Bridge Over Troubled Waters arr. Kirby Shaw
The Alamo City Men’s Chorale; under the direction of Jennifer Whatley
Homily: “Now What?” Rev. Joe Stobaugh
I Have Called You, You Are Mine Sanctuary Choir
Text: Isaiah 43:1-7; Music: Lana Cartlidge Potts
Benediction Evan Jones
Lighting of the Candles
Come, Holy Spirit & Be Tender with the Ones You Know © John Thornburg, All rights reserved. #A-712713
Worship Leaders:
The Rev. Karen Vannoy, Travis Park United Methodist Church
The Rev. Dr. John Flowers, Travis Park United Methodist Church
The Rev Dr. C. Michael Hawn, Perkins School of Theology
Dr. David Heller, Trinity University
Lana Cartlidge Potts, Travis Park United Methodist Church
The Sanctuary Choir of Travis Park United Methodist Church
The Alamo City Men’s Chorale
Michelle Durham, BEATAIDS
Evan Jones, Travis Park United Methodist Church
The Rev. Joseph Stobaugh, Travis Park United Methodist Church