Monday, May 11, 2009

Another rainy Monday!

It's raining, again! To be honest, I love it! We just purchased a rain barrel for our house so I'm hopeful that I can get it working in time to take advantage of this recent round of weather.
A few pieces of news, one good, two terrible:

1. It has just been announced that Roxana Saberi, the Iranian-American journalist is going to be freed tomorrow!

2. Over the weekend it appears that 125-130 civilians were killed in the western Farah province in Afghanistan during a battle with the Taliban that involved U.S. air strikes. No knows yet who is responsible for this large loss of civilian life: all the parties involve blame the other parties.

3. In Sri Lanka at least 378 civilian died from artillery shelling, over 100 of the dead are children.

As it turns out, you don't have to live by the sword to die by it, you just have to be around people who wield them.


Evan Jones said...

did you get yoru rain barrel from Andy? I ordered 2 as well!

Joe Stobaugh said...

i did! i'm going to pick it up this afternoon, I'm quite excited! how are you using yours?