Friday, June 19, 2009

An easy opportunity to help two families in need!

Hello friends!

I hope all is well! Yesterday I had the chance to chat with a friend of mine who works for a Christian social service agency. During the course of our conversation, she told me about two families that she is currently working with and some of their needs. God has provided us with a great opportunity to help two families who need a little bit of assistance!

These families, led by two single mothers, together have nine children. The mothers, who are identical twins, are both making the transition from shelters in Dallas to their own homes. The children did not live with them in the shelters but are now thrilled to be with their mothers! Both moms have full-time jobs (that have no benefits) and have not asked for assistance. Friends, they have very little in the way of basic items for their homes, and by little, I mean that they have a roof over their heads and two blow-up beds. They have nothing, no pillows, sheets, towels, cups, silverware, tables, chairs., etc.

So, any kind of household items imaginable are needed! They don't have to be new. They can be items that you have multiple copies of, or that you need to clean out of your home. The children, several of whom are straight-a students, don't have any books or toys. Below you will find a list of items these families need. If you can help, please contact me and I will come and get these materials or arrange for someone to pick them up from you and deliver them to the agency in Dallas.

Friends, God has blessed us richly so that we can bless others!!! Now is the time to return to God what is God's, to love your neigbhor as yourself! Please let me know how you can help!

Items needed:
Pots & pans
Dish towels
Pot holders
Kitchen utensils
2 non-electric can openers
Big bowls
Food storage containers
Small kitchen table and chairs
or children's picnic table
Beginners cookbooks
2 dishpans

Wash cloths
Bath mats
Shower curtains

Sheets-any size
Pillow cases-regular size
Pillows-regular size
Blankets-any size
Small Chest of Drawers
Plastic Bins to Store Clothes

Laundry bags or baskets
2 brooms
2 mops
Cleaning supplies
Laundry detergent
Toys for kids 20 months-8 yrs old
Balls to play with outside

Any canned or boxed foods.

Adult- easy to read, big print
Childrens' Bibles

4 regular carseats
5 booster seats

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