Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Beautiful Prayer for Church Musicians by Thomas Troeger

A great friend of mind and a tremendous musician, Carrie Chavarria, recently posted this beautiful prayer by Thomas Troeger on her facebook page. Thank you, Carrie, for sending out this incredible prayer!

A Prayer by Rev. Dr. Thomas Troeger

Source of all that is good and true and beautiful,
to whom whales and birds and crickets sing,
keep constant in your musicians
the conviction that your Spirit works through them
to reach a vast and carried hosts of souls
who gather in church
for hope, assureance, grace, beauty,
for some sign of your care,
for solace from grief and loss,
for strength to stand for justice,
for a glimpse of wonder and mystery,
for response to a need so hidden that it is known to you alone.

Assure your musicians that the rehearsals they lead,
the anthems they conduct,
the hymns they play,
the psalms they accompany,
the service music they offer,
the solos they sing,
the instrumental works they perform,
the programs they organize,
the words of encouragement they give
are again and again
the vessel of your Spirit
for healing the bruised, the lost, the broken
and for setting free the holy aspirations of the human heart.

And since the souls that are saved
be the secret ministries of music
often find it too self-revealing,
too frightening,
to offer their thanks in person,
may their unarticulated gratitude
be gathered by the wind of your Spirit
and be borne to the hearts of your musicans
as a gift to renew their faith
so that they may continue to be instruments
of proclamation and pastoral care
as they lead your people
in singing your everlasting praose
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Unknown said...

I was looking for some inspiration for a prayer this Sunday for musicians at my Church were my wife and I have just taken on the music Leadership role. Many thanks for posting this wonderful prayer. All I wanted to say but did not know how to say it.

Joe Stobaugh said...

Hi Grant!
That's wonderful! Congratulations on your new role. May god continue to bless you and your wife in this new adventure!

Unknown said...

Thank you Dr. Troeger for your God inspired insightful prayer for musicians. To all that shared this wonderful find, which I'm sure will be recanted for ages, many thanks. Peace and Joy, Rev. Mark Jagoe