Friday, November 28, 2008

A quick update

Happy Day after Thanksgiving!

I hope this post finds you well! It's been so long since I last posted it wouldn't surprise me if no one ever reads this!

Life has been crazy full the last few weeks. We've been preparing for Advent at church, I am working on a book, preparing to play at the big lessons and carols service at Perkins, working on the lessons and carols service at Argyle, (not to mention Christmas Eve!), trying to raise two awesome kids and, frankly, just attempting to suck the marrow out of life, if you will.

Last week I was blessed to have the opportunity to say goodbye to a pastor who has been an inspiration to me since I entered the process of becoming (and have since become) a United Methodist Clergy person. Rev. Kathleen Baskin-Ball is an example of what it is to be a faithful person of God and of how powerful and wide-ranging one person's ministry can be. Please take a moment to check out this link:

I would invite you to be in prayer for Kathleen, Bill, Skyler, Suncreek UMC, and The United Methodist Church during these days.

God is faithful and God is good.

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