Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Snow, Part II

Hey there!
So Sarah had already beaten me to the punch and sent some blankets to a homeless ministry! Seriously, she is good! I'm quite glad becuase I decided to head home around 2:00 and it took me 35 minutes to get home and I never left 2nd gear! Crazy!
The snow started today at around 11:00 and it has kept coming! Sarah, Ellie, Vader, Corie and I decided to go out and play in it and it was a blast! We took a ruler out to measure how much snow we had in the backyard. Want to guess? (Remember, it's Texas and it's MARCH for goodness sake!)

Drumroll please......

Five inches! And it's still going!

It's a great night to fire up the espresso machine, eat pancakes, and enjoy being home!

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