Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Catching Up!

So much to write about, so little time! You know, as with anything else in life, if I would just spend five minutes a day posting, I could get pretty good at this! Life continues to be blessedly full! Here are some of the highlights:
1. I got on the scale last night and, for the first time in my life since high school, I have finally dropped below 200 lbs.!
2. The Stars keep winning!
3. I had the chance to go the Byron Nelson on Saturday (and, o.k., I admit it I also went for a few hours on Thursday afternoon
in-between appointments) and it was amazing to watch those guys play!
4. On Monday I went to General Conference and got to introduce the lunchtime choirs.
5. At GC yesterday they approved researching a new hymnal for the church. I've got some thoughts on this one, as you can imagine!
I hope to spend some time posting on all of these things in the near future.
But, for now, I got's to go!!!

1 comment:

Katanna said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I, also, at one point lost 50 pounds and dropped below the 200 pound mark. Sadly, I have not kept up my active ways and have put a lot of that weight back on, but I am still hopeful that I can do it again someday.
