Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Beautiful Sunday Morning in North Texas

I can't believe it, it's Sunday morning and I am so prepared that I have five minutes to myself in my office before everything really kicks off at the church! What a great feeling! The sun is shining brightly, this morning's services look to be beautiful and God-honoring and it's communion Sunday! If it were up to me we would observe the Eucharist every Sunday. Holy Communion is one of the most profound ways in which I expeirence God's grace.
This morning we are also singing an amazing anthem by K. Lee Scott called "Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me." I just realized that I left the anthem in the choir room, otherwise I planned to type out the text so you could see it: the poetry and setting are stunning!
I can hear people starting to arrive, so I suppose I ought to get off to the first meeting of the morning!
May you rest in God today and worship God alone!

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