Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A meditation piece for you...

I love my daughter!
The same beautiful 2.5 year old who asked if she could watch "animated tv" last night got it in her mind that she didn't want to go to sleep and we had a very difficult time getting her to do that last night. After several false starts, she finally got to sleep, until about midnight and then she was up till about 3:30. I suppose I should thank her: she's getting us prepared for the next couple of months! :)
In my laziness I was looking for a short form of the daily office to pray this morning and I came across this meditation piece from the Taize Community. One of these days I'll post a long series on Taize but, for now, here's something to ponder:

A believer of the first centuries wrote, “Don’t be anxious!” (2) When we entrust to Christ the worries that keep us far from him, he enables us to discover this reality: “In calm and trust will be your strength.” (3)
2. Philippians 4:6
3. Isaiah 30:15

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