Monday, May 12, 2008

Does a king size bed = contentment?

No, but wow, it does promote a full nights worth of sleep! Recently, Sarah and I stepped-up to a king size bed. I haven't slept this well in years! Both yesterday morning and this morning I woke up and had no idea what day it was. Honestly, I can't remember the last time I've slept that hard! It is amazing how much a a good night sleep can do for you. No wonder the CIA uses sleep deprivation as a torture technique. (Not that I condone that in anyway, as a friend of mine likes to say, "torture is not a Methodist value.")

On to better things!

I was driving home yesterday evening, the windows were rolled down, it was 65 degrees and the last traces of the sun were slipping beneath the horizon and it hit me:

I am blessedly content. Everything I have every really valued I already have, I just needed to look around me to see it. An incredible family (with a son on the way!), a good place to do the work that God has called me to do and I am near good friends and family. Really, that's pretty incredible!

I write this not to boast but to express my thanks to God for life and for God's good will for all of God's creation. Would it be so that I could be as thankful as I am now when it looks like the walls are falling in!

I leave you with a piece of Psalm 62 this morning:
"God, the one and only--I'll wait as long as he says. Everything I hope for comes from him, so why not? He's solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, an impregnable castle: I'm set for life.
My help and glory are in God--granite-strength and safe-harbor-God--so trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him. God is a safe place to be."

I don't know about safe, but I know God is a good place to be!

Have an amazing God-imprinted day!


Katanna said...

I am glad that you didn't say:

"I was driving home yesterday evening, the windows were rolled down, it was 65 degrees and the last traces of the sun were slipping beneath the horizon and it hit me:" a semi going 70 MPH on the wrong side of the highway! lol


Joe Stobaugh said...

Matthew, you are the man! I love it! I about died from laughing when I read your comment!
Good stuff!!!!
Have a great day!

Curtis Ruder said...

For my life, the queen sized bed equals contentment.

Becky and I had a queen sized waterbed that we loved for a multitude of reasons, but we had to make the jump to king sized after her surgery; she had her chest cracked as part of this, and middle of the night collisions were not merely inconvenient but could be dangerous. So the king sized bed became our ticket to continuing to sleep in the same bed safely.

So the king sized bed was the bed of cancer years and widowed years.

Kim quite understandably wanted a marriage bed that had not already served as a marriage bed, and so we originally were in her full size bed for a couple of months. I love my wife, but the full size bed was just a little too cozy.

So in the fall, we purchased the queen sized bed, and in fact, all is well with the universe. I guess that is overstating it since I live in a country that tortures people as a matter of policy. But all is well, at least with the size of the mattress in my bedroom.

Joe Stobaugh said...

Hi Curtis!
It's great to hear from you! It does sound like a queen size bed = contentment at this moment in your life!
I so hear you on torture...I mean, really, we torture as a matter of policy now?!?!? It is a sad day, my friend.
I look forward to talking with you more soon, however!